Bobbie Shoemake

My Hope Radio: In three or four sentences, how would you describe your journey of faith?
Bobbie Shoemake: Journey of faith began when I received the Holy Ghost. At a very young age, I learned the secret to a personal prayer walk. Through tragedy I found God to be my healer. He healed my broken heart.

MHR: What is your favorite Scripture in the Bible? 
BS: My favorite Scripture: there are so many! The one I pray is Psalm: 19:14, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

MHR: What is your music background? ( who influenced you, when did you start singing, etc….) 
My music background: I began singing with my mother and daddy about the age of four or five years old. God gave me a natural gift to hear music in my head before I could play it, so I could sing harmony or whatever was needed.

As far as someone influencing me I can’t tell you, because there was no one. I had never heard of any of our well-known female singers until I was early teen years. By then I had developed my own style. Most every song I sing I have sung a at least seventy-five to a hundred times at home, because it’s usually a song God puts in my spirit and I sing it till it becomes mine.

MHR: What specific themes do you cover in your songs? Why? 
BS: My songs vary anywhere from faith in God , personal desires, encouragement , and a positive declaration of His power. I don’t just decide the subject to sing or write about.

MHR: Do you write your own songs? (If so, discuss your usual songwriting process.) 
BS: I do write some songs. I write from inspiration so I can’t explain how I go about it. I have never taken song writing classes…MAYBE I should! I sing many songs I have not written.

MHR: Where can we listen, purchase, and connect with you?

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